Tuesday, June 21, 2011


      I've been going to church since I was born; people like to joke that I was born on a pew: "right side, third pew from the front". Because of this, it makes it hard for me to pinpoint a time when I completely understood God's grace and accepted Jesus' gift. My mom tells me that I prayed "the prayer" when I was three. I remember fully feeling the impact of the Truth and accepting Jesus' gift at a summer camp in 8th grade. Honestly, my faith has been a process and a journey. 
      I have grown more spiritually in the past year than I ever have in the past. I'm starting to grasp God's immense  love for me. It knows no bounds; it penetrates everything, even my stubbornness.  One of my favorite verses is Romans 8:38-39: "neither death, not life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus." To me this verse says that nothing, not even myself and my actions can make God stop loving me; God loves me, no matter what. I'm just starting to understand the incredible freedom that comes with this. 
    I don't have to impress Jesus. I don't have to be on my best behavior, or pretend to be someone I'm not. I can be me--plain old Bekah--full of holes and flaws, and He is still crazy about me. 
    Often in life, I feel like I'm not enough; I'm not pretty enough, smart enough, I'm not involved enough, happy enough. I feel like I'm a tiny puddle when everybody is demanding a pool. But for Jesus, I am exactly enough

Monday, June 13, 2011

Cherry Tomatos

This is my first blog, ever! So in the future, I'm going to write about books, Jesus, Love, my kitty, Belize, my nerdiness, Philosophy, piggy banks  my life in Iowa, chocolate shakes and nail polish, sweaters and snow and pretty much anything that is weighing down my brain. I'm starting this blog so that when I move to Iowa, people in AZ can see where I am mentally so that we can still feel connected through my haphazard thoughts. So if you enjoy my quirky perspective of the world, please read!